Three ways you can help

$50 can support a young Mum get skilled in vocational course.

Organise an event, pledge your birthday or Game for Good

Get involved long-term by becoming our partner

Explore On Going Campaigns

$50 can support a young Mum get skilled in vocational course.

Organise an event, pledge your birthday or Game for Good

Get involved long-term by becoming our partner

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We are preventing vulnerabilities faced by Women & Youth through a Community-Led Humanitarian Approach.

Contact Us:

+256 393 244 664
+256 200 991 245
+256 789 936 029
P.O.BOX 139134, Kampala (U)


Central: Plot 1094, Kyebando-Gayaza Road, Kampala
Eastern: Ibulanku-Makuutu Road, Bugweri District
West Nile: Owaffa TC, Terego District


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