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Strengthening Civic Education, Leadership & Gender Mainstreaming for Youth & Women.
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Advancing Community-Led Livelihoods, Nutrition, Food security, WASH, Health & Socio-Economic Initiatives.
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Enhancing community capacity to mitigate & adopt to climate change for sustainable development.
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Welcome to Wilmat Development Foundation

Where 'Willingness Matters'

Since 2017, Wilmat Development Foundation has remained steadfast in our commitment to provide strategic linkages and sustainable community-led platforms for enhancing Women and Youth empowerment Agenda at the grassroots. Over the past years, WDF has been at the forefront of providing Low-Cost High Impact Community-driven initiatives through various programs ranging from;- Livelihoods, Socio-Economic Empowerment, Vocational skilling, Civic and Leadership, Mitigate Child Forced Marriages, SRHR (Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights), Clean Energy, Climate Change Mitigation, Peacebuilding, Gender Mainstreaming & Institutional Development.


These efforts have indeed been a strong pillar of transformation that WDF has carried forward and has made our Foundation a formidable organization dedicated towards promoting Community-led solutions for improved livelihoods for Women and Youth in Uganda and beyond.

Our Impact in the making
Lives Empowered
Communities Engaged
Volunteers Engaged
Local Govts Engaged
Our Updates

Community Voices

Our Path towards Vocational Skilling

Join our journey of empowering 3000 Young Women & Youth per Year through Hands-on Trainings in Uganda.

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We are preventing vulnerabilities faced by Women & Youth through a Community-Led Humanitarian Approach.

Contact Us:

+256 393 244 664
+256 200 991 245
+256 789 936 029
P.O.BOX 139134, Kampala (U)


Central: Plot 1094, Kyebando-Gayaza Road, Kampala
Eastern: Ibulanku-Makuutu Road, Bugweri District
West Nile: Owaffa TC, Terego District


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