Right2Grow Program
The Right2Grow Program is a significant initiative funded by the Dutch government through The Hunger Project Uganda as the Lead Partner. WDF is glad to be among the CBO Sub-Grantees of the Hunger Project Uganda and the MCLD Uganda Chapter implementing in the districts of Mayuge and Bugweri in Eastern Uganda to mobilize grassroot communities with a special focus on women, Breastfeeding women, infant young fathers and other marginalized groups in amplifying their involvement in local government budgetary processes, demand for service delivery, strengthen community advocacy efforts, collecting data and sharing their experiences related to food security, nutrition, & WASH in “Getting to zero undernutrition and zero people without access to basic WASH services” and holding key stakeholders accountable and reliable in delivering essential services in communities.
Our Involvement

Household Mapping

Local Government Structures Strengthening

Community Structures Strengthening

Public Financing & Expenditure Tracking

Follow Us:

We are preventing vulnerabilities faced by Women & Youth through a Community-Led Humanitarian Approach.

Contact Us:

+256 393 244 664
+256 200 991 245
+256 789 936 029


Ibulanku-Makuutu Road, Bugweri District
P.O.BOX 139134, Kampala - Uganda


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