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We work with a wide range of developmental and strategic partners in all fields of competence. We believe that Partnerships are a key enabler for meeting global challenges and generating sustainable change and long-lasting impact in communities. We value and recognize every possible working relationship made as we continue to empowering underserved Communities for Sustainable Development.

Grassroot Communities

We believe in the power of grassroot communities to take lead in addressing their own challenges and responding to shocks through innovations, collaborations and resourcing.

Local & National actors

We work with visionary donors, academia, NGOs, INGOs, CSOs, CBOs, MDAs, religious institutions, Local & international governments starting at household level in delivering life changing community driven initiatives.

Private Sector & Media

We work with like-minded private sector & media actors in inspiring innovation, collaborations, partnership strengthening and resource mobilization towards community-led initiatives for sustainable development.

Follow Us:

We are preventing vulnerabilities faced by Women & Youth through a Community-Led Humanitarian Approach.

Contact Us:

+256 393 244 664
+256 200 991 245
+256 789 936 029
P.O.BOX 139134, Kampala (U)


Central: Plot 1094, Kyebando-Gayaza Road, Kampala
Eastern: Ibulanku-Makuutu Road, Bugweri District
West Nile: Owaffa TC, Terego District


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